Fellowships to CIKM 2015 Student Attendees

ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management is the premier international conference on topics at the confluence of information retrieval, databases, and knowledge management. Since 1992, it has successfully brought together leading researchers and developers from the three communities, with the purpose of identifying challenging problems facing the development of advanced knowledge and information systems and shaping future research directions.

CIKM 2015, the 24th conference in the series, will be held in Melbourne, Australia in October 2015. We will be supporting student participation in the conference by enabling the conference organizers to provide 20 complimentary tutorial registrations to the student attendees.  They are giving preference to students who are studying in or who are from developing countries, but all student attendees are eligible.

hat_tip  Alistair Moffat, James Bailey & CIKM organizing committee