Best Paper Awards at DSAA 2015

IEEE International Conferences on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (IEEE DSAA), hosted by the IEEE Task Force on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, aims to be a flagship conference in the area of data science and analytics to shape the field of data science. It has attracted wide participation from most of countries and regions. DSAA has a Research track and an Application track, a prestigious special session on Trends and Controversies, and special sessions on emergent topics.

DSAA 2015, the second conference in this series, will be held in Paris, France in October 2015.
Given our belief in the central importance of  insights derived from data in the success of all human endeavors in the future, we will be sponsoring the best research paper and best application paper awards at the conference.

hat_tip  Longbing Cao, Sihem Amer-Yahia & DSAA organizing committee