Ishika Memorial Action Fund at Womentum

Womentum is a non-profit organization with a mission to empower women entrepreneurs running micro-businesses. It is a global crowdfunding platform that donates 100% of raised funds directly to the women entrepreneurs world-wide. Once these women’s micro-businesses become successful, they re-donate a percentage of their original received donation to another woman entrepreneur in their community through a unique pay-it-forward model.

Womentum will use our grant to set-up the Ishika Memorial Action Fund. This Fund will be used to match donations made to Womentum by other donors, thus amplifying their impact.  This Fund will also be used to meet shortfalls for women entrepreneurs who are within 10% of reaching their funding target.

Kofi Annan, the 2001 Nobel Peace Laureate, observed: There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.

Ishika Agrawal (1984-2016) was a teacher of computer science and deeply cared about her students and teaching well (like her grandfather, Prof. Ram Kumar).