Best Paper Awards at EDM 2016

International Educational Data Mining Society supports collaboration and scientific development in the emerging discipline of Educational Data Mining. This discipline is concerned with developing methods for exploring the data that comes from educational settings in order to shed light on the learning processes.

EDM conference series has emerged as a leading international forum for discussing and disseminating recent advances in educational data mining.  EDM 2016, the ninth conference in this series, took place in Raleigh, North Carolina, in June-July 2016.

We feel very privileged to have been able to sponsor the EDM 2016 Best Paper and Best Student Paper Awards. The award winners were:

Best paper
How Deep is Knowledge Tracing?: Mohammad Khajah, Robert Lindsey and Michael Mozer
Best student paper
Calibrated Self-Assessment: Igor Labutov and Christoph Studer [Story behind the paper]

Thanks: Mykola Pechenizkiy, Tiffany Barnes & the EDM 2016 organizing committee