Big Data: Old Wine in New Bottle?

Big Data: Old Wine in New Bottle?

Astounding advances in storage, communication, and computation have propelled us into a new world, the world of Big Data. The Big Data enthusiasts believe it is a revolution that will transform how we live, work, and think, and it will underpin new waves of innovation and productivity growth.  At the same time, skeptics abound.

The plenary panel, “Big Data: Old Wine in New Bottle?“,  organized by Rakesh Agrawal, debated the following questions at the 31st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2015):

  • What technological foundations of Big Data differentiate it from conventional data technologies?
  • What are the key road blocks that might cut short the promise of Big Data?
  • What are ten Hilbert’s problems in Big Data?

The panelists were:

Dr. Rakesh Agrawal (Data Insights Laboratories, Chair)
Prof. Sang Kyun Cha (Seoul National University)
Dr. Umeshwar Dayal (Hitachi)
Dr. Mukund Deshpande (Persistent Systems)
Prof. Hector Garcia-Molina (Stanford University)
Dr. Waqar Hasan (VISA)
Dr. David Lomet (Microsoft)
Prof. Volker Markl (Berlin Technical University)

TR-2015-004 contains the panel statement and the biographies of the panelists.  You may access the presentations made by the panelists from here.

Bibtex Entry:

title={Big Data: Old Wine in New Bottle?},
author={Rakesh Agrawal},
booktitle={31st International Conference on Data Engineering},
address={Seoul, Korea},
note={Also, Data Insights Laboratories Technical Report TR-2015-004, April 2015}